Our Mission
The original mission of Lake Arts Project is to give artists and community groups opportunities to become immersed in and connected to art-based experiences, including customized workshops, performances, involvement in arts education programs, and community collaborations. Lake Arts Project believes that art is an essential part of life that facilitates healing, connecting, expressing, and perpetuating compassion.
Since its start up in 2013, Lake Arts Project has evolved to a wider range of collaborations. In addition to working with dancers and high school artists, Lake Arts Project has teamed up with collaborating partners, Feast of Crispian and DNAWorks, and begun to work with multiple community groups including military veterans and at risk youth. We've also added more layers to our art forms by incorporating drum circles, acting exercises, and therapeutic movement exercises.
Art, in all of its forms, has been highlighted as a strong tool in healing, particularly among military veterans with PTSD. The arts continue to prove their value of healing through healthy, non-violent expression.

Today, as dance education leaders with professional performing careers, we strive to bring dance and art into the lives of those around us including students, their families, our audiences, and our community.
When we teach art and dance, we feel our students experience benefits way beyond learning steps. From its beginning, Lake Arts Project has found ways to enrich arts education with a deeper understanding of what both dance and other art forms can bring to their lives. One of our original goals in the creation of Lake Arts Project was to join forces with other like minded, arts-based organizations to bring dancers and other artists together for the benefit of both those who participate and those who observe.
We feel that we all must:
Understand how art is vital in today's world.
Discover how art can directly and indirectly affect our lives, and the lives of everyone around them.
Learn how passion, study, and skill in art forms can lead to a balance, peace, joy, and, at times, a profession in life.